Answers to Your Top Questions About Oil Heat

Many homeowners in Monmouth County are accustomed to living with oil heat, but both those with and without it have questions about its merit and capabilities as a fuel source. Keep reading to find the answers to your frequently asked questions about oil heat and how this cost-effective and readily available fuel can benefit you and your family:

Is It Safe?

This is among one of the top questions about oil heat, and with good reason. Many people think of gasoline, which is highly flammable, when they hear about this heating system. However, heating oil is a byproduct of a lengthy refining process, rendering it non-flammable, non-explosive, and extremely safe for home use.

Is It Clean-Burning?

In addition to being a safe fuel, it is also clean-burning. Energy-efficient heating systems keep dirt and grime from entering your home. It is also biodegradable and non-toxic, lessening its effect on the environment. Furthermore, newer units are over 90% efficient, which can dramatically lower the amount of fuel needed each season. For the best results, have your unit inspected and cleaned as part of its yearly maintenance.

Why Is It Considered Cozier?

Have you experienced the differences among homes heated with different types of fuel? Oil-heated properties heat faster and more evenly because the fuel burns at a very high temperature. The result is a cozy, warm home that makes for the ideal winter retreat.

How Is the Cost Determined?

Oil is cheaper to transport than natural gas, which is one of the reasons it is so common in the Northeast. Although prices do fluctuate based on crude oil production and demands, the amount of national and local competition helps keep your costs low compared to other fuel sources year after year.

What Are My Delivery Options?

Some homeowners choose to monitor their fuel consumption themselves, contacting their supplier before the tank runs out. However, this involves frequently checking the supply level and calling enough in advance to ensure timely delivery. Instead, most home and business owners choose automatic delivery, which means that the supplier will calculate when the tank begins to run low and will automatically refill it. Automatic delivery is the best way to ensure you do not run out of fuel, especially in the midst of a blizzard.

How Long Will Each Tank of Fuel Last?

Unfortunately, this question is best answered on a case-by-case basis. The amount of fuel used will vary widely depending on a number of factors, including:

  • Size of fuel tank
  • Efficiency of unit
  • Size of home
  • Outdoor temperature
  • Thermostat setting
  • Home’s insulation and energy-efficiency

Questions About Oil Heat?

Lawes Has Answers However, there are several tools that can help you and your supplier determine your projected fuel usage. In the meantime, having a home energy audit can help you ensure you are not losing valuable heat through poor insulation, drafts, or leaks. For inquiries about your particular unit or any other questions about oil heat, contact Lawes Company today. Simply call 732-741-6300 or fill out our short online form for a prompt reply.