How Standby Generators Work
When doing research on generators, you will want to know how they work from the start of the power outage, how they deliver electricity to your home and when they turn off once power is restored. With all these questions, Lawes Company has your answers!
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How Do Generators Work?
When your power goes out, a home back-up generator will turn on and deliver electricity to power up your home. Here are the steps:

1. Electrical Power Is Lost In Your Home
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1. Electrical Power Is Lost In Your Home
Any type of disturbance or interruption with the utility company can cause power loss to your home, causing your electricity to go out. Regardless if it is storms or any harsh weather or system malfunctions at your local utility company, it can put you and your family's comfort and security in jeopardy.

2. Generator Detects Outage
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2. Generator Detects Outage
In just a few seconds of a power failure to your home, your Generac home back-up standby generator will instantly detect that there was an outage and start to boot up, no matter the cause of the power outage. This is an important feature in Generac generators for your family's safety and security.

3. Generator Automatically Turns On
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3. Generator Automatically Turns On
As soon as your generator detects the power is out in your home, it automatically turns on, giving back-up power to your home when it needs it most. Even if you are not home, within a few seconds of an electrical outage, Generac will restore much-needed power for your essentials or whole home comfort.

4. Electricity Is Restored To Your Home
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4. Electricity Is Restored To Your Home
Until the utility company can restore your home's power, no matter if it is for a few hours or even days or weeks later, the home generator will continuously run providing much-needed electricity to your home by means of the automatic transfer switch on the Genera generator. Working until your utility can restore power.

If you have a loved one who is in need of constantly running, life-saving medical devices, then a Generac Guardian Series home back-up generator is no longer a want but a necessity. Here at Lawes Company, we care about the safety and security of all of our customers and it's one of the many reasons why we choose Generac home generators for our customer's comfort when power loss happens in New Jersey.
Generac Standby Backup Generators Ensure Safety, Security, And Peace Of Mind
Living in New Jersey, we've seen our fair share of nasty storms causing power outages. Our customers put their trust in Generac backup standby generators for their home and so should you. Never go a day or night in the dark, without power, when you install a home standby generator from Generac. Request a complimentary, in-home consultation with Lawes Company with our comfort specialist technicians or download our Generac guide to learn more.
Why 7 Out Of 10 Homeowners Choose Generac
Having a reliable and trustworthy power loss solution in your home is important for your comfort and security. See why homeowners choose Generac:

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